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What you need to know about Mani

Mani - the wild side of Greece

This specific place is a hidden gem in Greece, which not many people have seen. Its the land of Spartas descendants and something uniquely beautiful.

The Mani Peninsula also long known by its medieval name Maina or Maïna is a geographical and cultural region in southern Greece that is home to the Maniots. They claim descent from the ancient Spartans. To the east is the Laconian Gulf, to the west the Messenian Gulf. The Mani peninsula forms a continuation of the Taygetos mountain range, the western spine of the Peloponnese

Enjoy the heroic atmosphere during your time in Areopoli, Limeni and Kardamyli.

Interesting facts about Mani Island

The name "Mani" may come from the name of the Frankish castle le Grand Magne.

Mani is divided in three parts: Exo Mani (Outer Mani to the northwest),

Kato Mani (Lower Mani to the east) and Mesa Mani (Inner Mani to the southwest)

Pictures of Mani

xgreex 12.10
xgreex 12.10
Lunch Areopoli

Our trips to Mani

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